First TEDx Duhok Conference was held in Duhok

Wednesday, 30 August 2017, 00:00

On Saturday 26th of August 2017, TedxDuhok first international conference was held at the hall of conferences at the University of Duhok. The conference was about life stories, experience, and the success of professional and well-experienced local and foreign individuals.

The aim of this conference was to introduce well-experienced people so as the participants make use of their experiences and hear about their success. It is worth mentioning that the organizers of this event alongside volunteers worked on this event for a year. Eleven speakers talked about their life experience for ten to eighteen minutes.

At the end, it is important to mention that Mr. Ahmed Loqman Mustafa, a Research Assistant in the Statistics and ICT center at the University of Zakho along some students from English department participated in the conference.